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Bow-Concord Project Benefits Our Communities

  • Improving Roadway Safety

    • Reduce interchange weaving and lengthen enter/exit lanes
    • Improve intersection geometries
    • Wider shoulders for emergency response
  • Reducing Congestion

    • Address the continued pressures of high traffic volumes between interstate and local roads
  • Improving Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities

    • Focus on intersection safety
    • Extend the Merrimack River Greenway Trail
    • Wider shoulders on Loudon Road
  • Least Impactful Alternative

    • Maintain current alignment and minimize Merrimack River impacts
    • Promote better air and water quality
    • Minimize disruptions to private and City utilities
  • Greater Mobility

    • Create a reliable network for all users, including freight and transit
    • Enhance connections to facilitate the transportation of goods and services for Bow, Concord, and throughout the State of New Hampshire


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The Project anticipates FHWA approval later in 2025 prior to beginning Final Design or creation of construction plans. The first project envisioned is I-393 bridge over I-93 to remove the bridge from the NHDOT’s red-list and starting in 2028.

The Bow-Concord project will require multiple construction projects and will be constrained by available funds. The NH 2025-2034 Ten-Year-Plan currently programs construction funds through 2034 with additional funding planned beyond to complete the project.

The estimated 2024 cost is roughly $370 million.

For a project of this size and scale, partial and full property acquisitions are common.

The proposed alternative would require 32 partial property acquisitions (14 in Bow, and 18 in Concord) and 11 full property acquisitions (6 in Bow, and 5 in Concord).

  • The Bow Acquisitions are associated with stormwater treatment, ramps, and connector road for I89 Exit 1 improving the existing substandard interchange.
  • The Concord Acquisitions include cul-de-sac for Basin Street (undeveloped), stormwater treatment (3), and extension of Stickney Ave (1).

The DOT Bureau of Right-of-Way is responsible for contacting property owners and handling the acquisition of property rights required for transportation projects.

For more information regarding property acquisitions, please read Your Land and New Hampshire's Highways.

There are 33 bridges within the project limits that are proposed to be rehabilitated, replaced or added.

  • Six (6) red-listed bridges will be replaced or rehabilitated – one (1) in Bow, and five (5) in Concord.
  • There are 6 new bridges in the project located within I-89 Exit 1 and I-93 Exit 15 and specifically for interchange ramps required to improve safety.
  • Only 5 of the I-93 bridges require additional pavement for lanes and shoulders to address capacity and safety.

Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations will be incorporated into the final design of the project including extension of the Merrimack River Greenway Trail (MRGT) from the Loudon Road Bridge over Merrimack River through the Project to Storrs Street.

More information about Merrimack River Greenway Trail

Proposed improvements for multi-modal infrastructure:

  • Loudon Road
  • Intersection of Exit 13 NB ramps, Manchester Street, and Old Turnpike Road
  • Exit 12 NB & SB ramps and South Street
  • I-89 Exit 1, South Street, and the new connector road to NH 3A

Currently, NHDOT has programmed Federal Highway and Turnpike Toll funds to pay for the project. There are no local funds for the project.

The posted speed for I-93, I-89, and I-393 within the City of Concord Urban Compact is 55 mph and is not proposed to change in the project change.

I-93 was originally designed to meet 60 mph when the project was constructed in 1950s. The Project is using the existing or as-built alignment and does not increase the design speed.

If you have a questions for the Project Team please contact us!

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Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about the project, contact us below:

Phone (603) 333-1933
In writing

John O. Morton Building
P.O. Box 483 Hazen Dr.
Concord, NH 03302-0483

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